Login Name: Guest Date: 14 June 2012

MegaBingo: Free tickets
Stand a chance of winning one of our Saturday $2,500 guaranteed prizes with MegaBingo this month! And it gets even better - we’re giving you complimentary tickets to get in on the action. Your loyalty level: /%first_name%/ - determines the amount of tickets you are eligible for:

Loyalty Level Number of Tickets
Bronze 3 Tickets
Silver and Gold 5 Tickets
Platinum and Diamond 10 Tickets

How to claim your tickets:
1 - Login to the Bingo Cabin software
2 - Go to the MegaBingo room, step up to any MegaBingo game machine, click on the BUY button for the 23 June $2,500 guaranteed prize game.
3 - Enter the following code next to "Enter promo code here": /%last_name%/ (See image on the right - promo code block highlighted in green)
4 - You will automatically receive the tickets for your loyalty level!

View all the Mega Bingo Information here.


Happy Fathers Day
Father's Day at Bingo Cabin
It’s Father’s day this Sunday, and we’re celebrating! Join the CMs and roomies on Sunday 17 June, for a fulfilled day of trivia and word scramble games. Will you be the smartest of them all? Here's wishing you all a relaxing, shoes-off, slippers-on, wonderful kind of day!

montlly competition
Monthly Competition - Pot O' Gold
To claim your share of the $2,000 BB pot this month be sure to bingo on all of the competition numbers * 4 * 7 * 13 * 29 * 33 * 37 * 50 * 58 * 65 * 70 * .Once all the numbers have been bingo'd on, you'll qualify for a share of the Gold pot! How many numbers do you have so far? Check your progress click here.

Winner corner at Bingo Cabin
Winners corner at Bingo Cabin
nn232323 won $1,893 - Blackbeard’s Booty

‘Hi Guys, Thanks for the congrats.  The win I had on Blackbeards Booty was an absolute shock, and so very exciting, my heart was pounding afterwards! The win could not have come at a better time for me as my hot water system has just died, so guess what my win will be buying for me?  And the best part is I can now afford to get the really good one, instead of the el cheapo model that I planned to get.

Visit the website to view all the latest winners at Bingo Cabin.

Email Sweepstake
And the winners are...
The following players have each won a share of the 200BB sweepstake pot -

StephJane71, blossom1988, bunnysmad, calico6445, peanutsparky, Blondika, peacemaker18, susan b, bookaloo, Charmers62

How to claim:
1) Make sure your login name is listed as one of the winners
2) Forward a copy of this newsletter to [email protected] with the subject line ‘email sweepstake'.

The bonus will be credited within 1 business day - winners have one week to claim their prize.

Check in here same time next week for our next group of lucky winners. Good luck!

Wilhelminalaan 13, Curacao, Netherlands Antilles