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Login Name: /%login_name%/ Date: 21 July 2011

Free Tickets
MegaBingo ~ Free Tickets
Stand a chance of winning one of our daily $1,000 guaranteed prizes with MegaBingo this month! And it gets even better – we’re giving you complimentary tickets to get in on the action. Your loyalty level: /%first_name%/ - determines the amount of tickets you are eligible for:

Loyalty Level Number of Tickets
Bronze 3 Tickets
Silver and Gold 5 Tickets
Platinum and Diamond 10 Tickets

How to claim your tickets:

1 - Login to the Bingo Cabin software
2 - Go to the MegaBingo room, step up to any MegaBingo game machine, then click on the BUY button for the 23 July $1,000 guaranteed prize game.
3 - Enter the following code next to "Enter promo code here": /%last_name%/ (See image on the right – promo code block highlighted in green)
4 - You will automatically receive the tickets for your loyalty level!

View all the Mega Bingo Information here.

Patterns to look out for at Cabin
Make sure you check out the Daily Schedule at Bingo Cabin, so that you don’t miss out on any of these fantastic specials. Here’s just a taste of things in store:
7pm-8pm daily: Roaring 50s - guaranteed pot hours! That’s right, each game during this hour will have a minimum prize of $50!
9pm-11pm daily: Look out for the Blackout pattern during these hour, with a guaranteed prize of $100! Visit the Daily Schedule for a full hourly breakdown of all our specials.

Winners Corner at Bingo Cabin
$5,062.50 win on Galaxy of Riches
"It was an awsome win! I was absolutely shocked to win $5000.00 on Galaxy of Riches. It has always been my favourite slot machine, but I have never won that much on one spin. Not sure what I will do with the money yet, but I'm sure some of it will be spent back at Bingo Cabin. Hope everyone is having a great summer!" ~ dagenwen

Promotion Terms and Conditions:
- The MegaBingo promotion is only valid for the MegaBingo game playing on the 23rd of July, 2011
- Valid by email invitation only for the login name listed above and cannot be transferred to another player.
The promotion code can only be claimed once.

Wilhelminalaan 13, Curacao, Netherlands Antilles